Wednesday 1 February 2012

We're having another baby!

So the scan, went well, and if all goes to plan Pickle with have another brother or sister in August 2012 - eek! We're both really excited but also a little bit apprehensive about how we'll cope with a toddler and a newborn. I wasn't exactly a natural with Pickle, but fingers crossed I'll be a bit more comfortable second time around.

Now I've formally announced I'm pregnant I promise to update this blog much more frequently. My first dilemma is whether to buy a double/tandem buggy or just rely on a buggy board. Pickle will be two and a half by the time the baby arrives so hopefully he should be walking pretty much all of the time.

Decisions, decisions - but I suppose this is just the beginning :)

Speak soon, A x

Saturday 21 January 2012


I'm not really sure why I haven't posted a blog in ages. To be honest, I'm not sure where the last year has gone at all?

Already in 2012 Pickle has had a nasty dose of chicken pox, his second birthday and on Wednesday we've got our first scan for what will hopefully be his little brother or sister. Having had a missed miscarriage before Pickle (only finding out at the scan), we're definitely more than a little nervous. Even though my practical head is saying the chances are that everything will be fine,  I'm still finding it quite difficult to relax and enjoy the pregnancy.

I am trying to be positive, and have decided that a rejuvenated blog will be the ideal place to share my thoughts and feelings this time around.

Will update you on Wednesday x